Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Well, it has been brought to my attention by *cough* other members of the staff that NOT EVERYONE knows how to do this blog thing.

So here goes. A "BLOG" is a diary or a journal. Whenever you have a thought or a story to tell, you post a "Blog." It can be short or long or even just a link to something interesting.

If you read the blog entry and have something to say, you can COMMENT. Simply hit the "Comment" link at the bottom of the entry and type whatever you want.

Additionally, if you have any questions for LLGF Headquarters, feel free to leave those as comments too! We'll try our best to answer your questions or point you in the direction of someone who can.


LLGF Headquarters

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well welcome to the blogosphere my sisters! See you at the boat show!