Here's what I came up with. Stop by any store that sells film (Walgreens, Target, whatever...) and grab disposable cameras - I have three kids so naturally I grabbed three. Then make a list. You can certainly tailor it to fit your age group but here's the basic jist of what I came up with. (My kids were 6, 7 and 9 at the time.)
- American Flag
- Pirate Flag
- Person wearing blue mirrored sunglasses (you can't throw a rock at the boat show without hitting one of these!)
- Mercury engine
- Race boat
- Sailboat
- Dog
- Baby in a stroller
- Someone drinking a Coke
- Taxi
So, you get the picture. The longer the list, the better. You can enlist the help of your husband - mine came up with some very creative ideas! Whoever got the most pictures of items from the list would be the winner. And for the rest of the day, they were completely occupied! And...let me tell you, the price of getting those cameras developed was worth the priceless stack of photos. Seeing the boat show through a child's camera lens is really something!
I hope this tip helps you navigate your way through the boat show. Be sure to stop by the "Ladies, Let's Go Fishing!" booth to say hi.....In fact, make sure it's on the Scavenger Hunt list!
LLGF Headquarters
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