Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Volunteer at the Miami Boat Show!

We at LLGF headquarters are hoping some more people take advantage of the opportunity to join us at our booth at the Miami International Boat Show, Feb. 14-18, and help us pass out flyers. All kinds of interesting people stop by our booth, on the Skywalk, # 2010. We get visited by some of the TV stars such as Jose Wejebe, Norm Isaacs, Blair Wiggins, Mark Sosin, Manny Diaz the shark guru and more. We also meet the writers behind the great articles in the fishing magazines.

Our sponsors stop by, and we like to learn about any new products we can showcase, to make it easier for women to go fishing. This show is one of the biggest in the world, where you can meet people from all over who like boating and fishing. We learn a lot about the marine industry from the show, as many of the other exhibitors stop by...people who are working the show to promote boats, equipment, gear, clothing, cool resorts and more. The people who stop by can be interesting and entertaining.

We have a lot of laughs together at the booth and hear many heartwarming stories from ladies who yearn to get out there and catch something. Then, there's the pie-eyed guys who tell us all they want is a girlfriend who will go fishing with them. Even better if she has a boat.

Just next to our booth are some cool marine items. I always buy great new clothes, stuff for the boat, and cutting edge fishing gear that has just been introduced to the market. Sometimes there's a photo contest that you could enter. They are also having a silent auction in the Big Game room, a "must-see" for fishing "fin"atics.

If you want to get connected with this crowd and have the enthusiasm to volunteer, contact us at mailto:info@ladiesletsgofishing.com. If you can't volunteer but are coming, stop by and visit us!

LLGF Founder

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